I'm interested in opportunities to to work on eLearning projects as a contractor, employee, or business partner.
Instructional Design and Development
My passion is the design and development of compelling and effective eLearning applications. Please contact me if you have a project I might be interested in.
White Papers
Documents describing instructional design concepts and how to implement them in Storyline. Click on each white paper icon to download the document.
Use a Pretest to Control Course Content
This document outlines how to use a pretest to control the content a learner must view, and which questions are presented in the post-test. This document also describes how to combine both tests into a single SCORM compliant assessment.
Option Specific Feedback for Multiple Choice Questions
This document outlines how to create feedback that explains why, each option of a multiple choice question, is either correct or incorrect.
Storyline Authoring
I can teach your employees how to create sophisticated interactivity and user tracking in Storyline usinga hands-on-learning experiences where learners will build each component if a sample course. Materials will include:
A starter Storyline file used at a starting points for course development
A Power Point job aid that illustrates the objects and variables needed to build the course
A document outlining the step-by-step process for later reference
Download a sample PowerPoint job aid below. The step-by-step instructions for creating this course are contained in the White Paper, "Use a Pretest to Control Course Content".