From the first Hypercard demo I created for the University of California Presidents Office in 1994, to the last eLearning project I created for Google, I've been sold on the computer's power as a tool for exploration and the computer's power to teach. Here are some recent examples of my work. Enjoy!
Cool Storyline and Content Presentation Examples
Ideal for compliance training, this design has three modes. Video demonstration, Guided Simulation, and Task Assessment. To get credit for this course, a learner must successfully complete each Task Assessment.
A pretest can reduce seat time! When you answer a pretest question correctly, you can skip past the associated learning content. This is a revised version of a series of courses I created for Safeway.
This course uses animation to guide each scenario, and a dashboard to track the number of documents handled, the successful use of safety and privacy guidelines, and the chances of identity theft.
II thought this is a nice example of creating an effective learning activity in Storyline. This tutorial helps the learner compare different colors and tints.
A real time-saver would be to walk Learners through existing content, and then adding a Storyline assessment. This would help insure important documents have been read and understood.
I thought of this one at a dentist visit, where we were discussing an x-ray, or radiograph. I thought that teaching students how to identify items in a radiograph would be a perfect subject for graphic-intencse eLearning.
eLearning Courses I developed for clients that can now be shared
This is similar to the example above, but phone-sized. This is one of many task tutorials I did for the Google Home app.
This was pretty low budget. No sound, stock images, only a bit of complicated interactivity, quick timeline. I thought this one turned out well though. I like the scenario and how it plays out.

In used Articulate RISE to teach Recruiters how to estimate a candidate's potential sales commission. This tutorial include animations, text instructions, and an assessment.
Learning Games
This one was fun to put together. Modeled after Wheel of Fortune, the learner must guess the correct phrase, and can choose letters to help. Hint: Game based learning and Wheel of fortune.
This game could be the culminating activity in a series of seafood product knowledge courses focused on customer service. In this game you can gain or lose points, and the goal is the highest score possible.
A demonstration of techniques for practicing mathematics and language arts.